around the world
One of Strong Bad's flip-off techniques. It involves using one hand and waving it in a circular motion. (Thank goodness no one in Free Country, USA, has any fingers.)
behind the back
Another of Strong Bad's flip-off techniques. You put your hand behind your back for this one.
What you'll be in a Strong Bad Halloween costume, no matter what your gender. A belle is usually a popular and attractive girl or woman, especially one whose charm and beauty make her a favorite; the belle of the ball. "I'm a belle!"
bird, the
Homestar Runner's favorite flip-off technique. In this case, you are flipping someone off after they just flipped you off. When Homestar did this to Strong Bad, it hurt Strong Bad's feelings.
Boston Baked Beans
One of the candy choices you can give Coach Z in "The House that Gave Sucky Treats." They're fresh roasted peanuts with burgundy-colored candy shells.
boxing gloves
What Strong Bad has for hands.
Butterfinger, Fun Size
See "Fun Size Butterfinger."
One of the candy choices you can give The King of Town in "The House that Gave Sucky Treats." It's a candy made from brown sugar, butter, corn syrup, and water, typically made into round disk shapes and wrapped in cellophane. The King of Town likes to melt it down to pour over ham.
Strong Bad's favorite word, used in the contexts as listed below.
1.) To defecate, or to poop. "And so he crapped, and crapped, and crapped, and crapped, and crapped, all over that rock."
2.) Excrement, or poop. What the Poopsmith shovels all day long and makes him stink so much. "Imagine the worst smell you ever smelled, and pretend that took a crap. That's that guy!"
3.) Nonsense, rubbish. "You're full of crap!" An example from Bubs: "I've got all types of crazy crap!"
4.) An exclamation used in place of more offensive words. Strong Bad's favorite use of the term is "Holy crap!"
crazy crap
What Bubs sells at his concession stand. Can also be used to describe a mess of stuff that ranges in all areas of worth and importance.
Sir Strong Bad's favorite exclamation, often said when his plans have been foiled or when he is frustrated. The 1936 precursor to "holy crap."
A specialized place for storing goods. See "parsnip depot."
double deuce
1.) Strong Bad's favorite way to flip someone off. It involves using both of your hands. I think you get the idea.
2.) Stinkoman's special fighting attack. He yells "DOUBLE DEUUUUUUCE!" as he raises both fists and powers them with energy before letting the concentrated energy loose on a challenger.
The official description of Strong Sad's lower torso.
Coach Z's word for "five."
Fun Size Butterfinger
One of the candy choices you can give The King of Town or Strong Bad in "The House that Gave Sucky Treats." This is a normally a candy bar with peanut butter covered in chocolate, but because it's a Fun Size bar, it's only worth a couple of bites before it's gone. Strong Bad agrees that there is nothing fun about less candy.
gentleman's sporting gloves
What boxing gloves are called in 1936.
George Foreman
A famous heavyweight boxer with his own line of grills. Coach Z makes a mention of him when he's trying to pronounce "Jujyfruits" and fails miserably.
A cut of meat from a hog's thigh area. The King of Town loves pouring melted butterscotch over hams.
Where Sir Strong Bad goes to at the end of "Parsnips Aplenty," ruled by a King of Town lookalike. Sir Strong Bad is poked in the buttocks with a pitchfork by a Poopsmith lookalike with horns and a tail. ("How unfortunate!")
hella tight
What So-and-So of the Teen Girl Squad thinks of her elephant mask. To describe something as "hella tight" usually means that it's stylish or cool.
holy crap
Strong Bad's favorite phrase; an exclamation he often says when something bad has happened to him or is about to happen.
One of Coach Z's words for "job."
One of Coach Z's words for "job." This is the fan favorite spelling of the way Coach Z says "job."
One of Coach Z's words for "Jujyfruits."
One of Coach Z's words for "job."
One of Coach Z's words for "job." He says this form of the word - rather loudly - when he becomes extremely frustrated over not being able to say "job" properly.
One of Coach Z's words for "Jujyfruits." He says this form of the word - rather loudly - when he becomes extremely frustrated over not being able to say "Jujyfruits" properly.
One of Coach Z's words for "Jujyfruits." This is how he typically pronounces the word.
One of the candy choices you can give Coach Z in "The House that Gave Sucky Treats." They're fruit-flavored chewy candies in odd shapes.
lightswitch rave
A rave is typically a large overnight dance party featuring techno music, flashing colored lights, glowsticks, wearing extremely colorful clothing, and usually involves the taking of mind-altering drugs. A lightswitch rave, on the other hand, is much more harmless. There are no drugs, and no colored lights. The colored lights are, however, substituted with flickering your typical household lightswitch on and off. The Cheat loves to hold lightswitch raves at Strong Bad's house with the lightswitch installed specially for him to reach at his short height. Unfortunately, Strong Bad does not at all care for lightswitch raves: "The Cheat is grounded!"
Mallo Cups
One of the candies you can give Bubs in "The House that Gave Sucky Treats." They're milk chocolate-covered marshmallow candies in the shape of little cups, a la Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. "I got a shallo gup, and a crallo nup. Somebody give me that Mallo Cup!"
Homestar Runner's favorite foodstuff. A marshmallow is a confection formerly made from the root of the pink-flowered European perennial herb of the mallow family (Althaea officinalis), thus its name. Currently, marshmallows are made from corn syrup, sugar, albumen, and gelatin beaten to a light spongy consistency. Some believe that Homestar Runner is, in fact, an anthropomorphic marshmallow. There is some conflict with this theory as Marshie, the mascot of Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, is in fact an anthropomorphic marshmallow himself.
marshmallow stand
Homestar Runner's favorite hangout. They primarily serve giant marshmallows there, but it's also a nice place to sit and chat. Homestar can be seen there hanging out with Pom-Pom, or on a date with Marzipan. Strong Bad has also conducted an interview with Homestar at this location. The stand doesn't seem to be all that popular, as there's usually very few people in there at a time.
A Eurasian biennial herb of the carrot family with large pinnate leaves and yellow flowers that is cultivated for its long tapered edible root (Pastinaca sativa). The Kick the Can gang likes using parsnips to make soup or pie.
parsnip depot
Where the Kick the Can gang gets their parsnips. The depot is run by Bubs' Kick the Can counterpart.
Ruminant mammals long domesticated especially for its flesh and wool, related to the goats but stockier and lacking a beard in the male (Ovis Aries). The King of Town has a whole herd of them which he cares for very much... when he's not asking the Royal Chef to cook one of them.
single deuce
Pom-Pom's favorite way to flip someone off. It's like the double deuce, except with one hand.
One of the choices of candy you can give to Coach Z and Bubs in "3 Times Halloween Funjob!" It's a candy bar with crunchy peanut butter and toasted coconut covered in chocolate. "OH, ZAG-nut!"
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